Edoardo Catemario

Metodo Catemario
The Catemario method is a practice-based music starter system. It is a protocol of ear formation and development of the creative abilities of the student.

Video Tutorials
Find here complete video courses of the "must have" methods for classical guitar. Become the "perfect guitarist" you dreamed of.

Books and arrangements: Fundamentals of interpretation and all Bergmann Editions "Collezione Catemario"
Edoardo is much more than a mere musician, he is an aristocrat of music and beyond. He has a brilliant international concert career, teaching at the Royal Academy of London, at the Mozarteum and in many universities. He is the creator of the Catemario Method a protocol designed to form the ear and foster the capacity for musical imagination, he wrote a book on interpretation, a Musical, has over 300 arrangements and over thirty compositions to his credit that he is publishing with Bergmann Editions. Edoardo deals with innovative technologies: he has developed an industrial patent.
Music is the subtle door between the real and the dream, between physics and metaphysics